Smart Roof Solar

Delhi charges one of the highest tariffs for commercial load and industrial – average over Rs 10.00 per kWh

Wednesday, 10 June, 2015

As per the tariff order of DERC for the year 2014-15, the variable tariffs for the commercial and industrial categories for the year 2014-15 are in excess of Rs 9.00 per kWh. A revenue deficit surcharge is imposed on the fixed and variable charges as per the orders of DERC and the Supreme Court ruling.

The table below shows the break-up of tariffs for domestic, commercial and industrial categories.

 Energy Charges (Rs per kWh)Electricity Duty (Rs per kWh)Revenue deficit surcharge of 8%Variable Charges (Rs per kWh)
Non Domestic    
Up to 10 kW8.801.089.50
Between 10 kW(11kVA) – 100 kW (108 kVA)9.441.0810.20
Greater than 100 kW / 108 kVA (400 volts supply)
(No Supply on LT for load > 215 kVA)
Greater than 100 kW / 108 kVA (11 KV supply)9.331.0810.08
Small Industrial Power (SIP) [less than 200kW/215 kVA]    
Up to 10 kW8.451.089.13
Between 10 kW(11kVA) and 100 kW (108 kVA)8.781.089.48
Greater than 100 kW / 108 kVA (400 volts)
(No Supply on LT for load > 215 kVA)
Industrial Power on 11 kV Single Point
Delivery for Group of SIP Consumers
Large Industrial Power (LIP) (Supply at 11 kV and above)

The fuel adjustment surcharge or power purchase cost adjustment charges (PPAC) has been set at zero for the time being in Delhi as shown above. However DERC has already passed an order on 13th Nov 2014 to increase the PPAC to 2.5% for TDPPL, 4.5% for BRPL and 7.0% for BYPL. However, the order was suspended due to reasons related to lack of complete information on fuel cost from various generators. Once implemented, the PPAC would be charged on fixed and variable charges both which would lead to an increase of tariff from 20 paise to 70 paise per kWH all consumer categories.

The tariff for the domestic consumer categories at various levels of consumption are as follows.

 Energy Charges (Rs per kWh)Electricity Duty (Rs per kWh)Revenue deficit surcharge of 8%Variable Charges (Rs per kWh)
 Energy Charges (Rs per kWh)Electricity Duty (Rs per kWh)Revenue deficit surcharge of 8%Variable Charges (Rs per kWh)
Domestic for > 5 KW connected load    
Units consumed 5005.441.085.88
Units consumed 10006.531.087.05
Units consumed 15007.181.087.76

The tariff for the domestic category remains low however as all the consumers get the benefit of telescopic tariffs in the state.

Delhi Discoms have already filed the petition for increasing the tariff for the year 2015-16 which is currently being reviewed by DERC.

Given such a high variable tariff, the roof top solar solution provides a very attractive proposition to save the energy cost from immediate effect.